Merry Christmas
& Happy New Year!!
Dressing Up as Vowels (See that?! So committed to Education!):
Five members of Copper Mesa Elementary’s
Special Ed Team 2005-2006 (I am the ‘U’)
Littleton/Highlands Ranch, Colorado
In March, I travelled to the UK for the first time with my friend Amy Choate. We enjoyed a whirlwind tour of London ala our wonderful English friend Ted. I was in awe; I was actually experiencing all of the places I had only known from pictures and textbooks! Loved the food, the accents, the life. We flew up to Glasgow and spent four lovely, bitter cold days exploring Scotland. I loved the sheep and castles. And kilts. And bagpipes. While in the UK, I determined to visit Leicester University. I had had my eye on their Victorian Studies Masters program since I was an undergrad at BYU. Saw it, liked it, tucked it away to think about. Then I chose.
Above Left: Sheep in Scotland; Left: Amy & Ted;
Center: Me in the Tate Modern; Right: London
Immediately after the school year ended at Copper Mesa Elementary School, I left dear friends, job, etc to relocate across the Rockies, materializing on my parent’s doorstep in the sleepy haven of Sanpete Valley, Utah. And thus began third #2 of my year: the best summer of my life. Within a few days, I found the sharpened reflexes of city-life uncoiling as I was coddled in the mildness of Spring City with my family. I found myself driving 5 miles under the speed limit rather than 5 miles over. Sunsets in the garden, listening to all of the farm animals was my favourite! The Osborne Inn (our family’s Bed and Breakfast ) had her grand opening this summer and graciously showed off her splendorous insides. We were in business. My family had already done extensive remodelling/redecorating earlier in the year. My family is amazing! My little sisters especially! So, I became the official Innkeeper of the Osborne Inn, but my whole family worked together to make it all happen! It was fantastic. We quickly learned that running your own business meant a 24/7 to-do list! It was gratifying work though, and we did our best to try and make guests feel special. We got to meet many interesting people doing many interesting things! I feel so very, very blessed to have had that time with my family.
My Summer
Above Left: Me and Mom in Spring City; Left: Family!
Centre: The Osborne Inn!; Right: Biking on Mackinac Island
Now I live in Leicestershire, England. Wow. What a change! I am studying for an MA in Victorian Studies at Leicester Uni. I am researching special education in the Victorian Era. It comes full circle! England is great. Living here is so different from anything I have ever experienced! I have been stretched and have learned tons. I have learned to enjoy ‘English Sunshine’ (a.k.a rain) and now understand why the English get so much mileage out of discussing the weather. There are so many different cultures in England; I feel like the whole world meets here! And I get to meet them too!
Leicester, England. My new home!
Above Left: Leicester Uni in Autumn; Above Center: An English Garden;
Center: Me attempting to work a Victorian knitting machine (such a creative contraption it was!) Right: Some of my lovely, lovely new friends enjoying ‘English Sunshine‘!
Life is full and wonderful. I thank God for blessing my life so immensely. Every blessing in my life I can trace back to the goodness of the Church, His Gospel, and His promises. I am thankful for this time of year to remember the birth, life, and mission of Jesus Christ. Peace on Earth…Good Will to Men! Merry Christmas and Happy 2007!
Love to Each of You,