Friday, December 07, 2007

Yay for Feb!

Wow....I hardly know how it happened; one minute I was fantasizing about a trip to Europe and then,in a whirlwind of excitement, itineraries, and plans I found myself in possession of a plane ticket to Stuttgart, Germany! I have friends there who I would love to visit--Jen, Andy and baby Davin--and it just seemed like the perfect opportunity. (Finding a wickedly inexpensive ticket to Stuttgart helped too!). So this is the place I will be visiting in February! If you want to find it on the map, Stuttgart is in Southern Germany near France. Yippee!

Of course it would be IMPOSSIBLE to be that close to the UK and not Go....

I'll go "home" to Leicester and see my buds who I love love LOVE!...

And to Newquay... Cornwall to visit my friend Daniel. I'm looking forward to seeing this part of England! From pictures it looks incredible. Newquay is the surfing capital of England - I'm not sure how good the surf will be in Feb., but it's a fun sidelight!

...and last but certainly not London visit my dear old "grandad" Ted!!! The icing on the cake. :) What a privilege. :0) Byeee! Until then!

By the Way....

I will be leaving Spring City on December 21; I'm moving up to Alpena, Michigan! We decided to close the Bed and Breakfast for the winter season! We'll be open in the spring!