Sunday, September 23, 2007


Yes, we went to that famous, amazing city. I remember thinking for days afterwards, 'Wow...the dust of Pompeii is still on my shoes'. I was astounded at how well-preserved many of the things were, especially the art. In the top left corner of the collage, note the seashells still framing the shrine (if you can see them). It was fascinating to see little evidences of daily life in Pompeii, like the ruts carved by chariot wheels in the stone-paved streets. Even though Pompeii was discovered in the 1700s, archeologists are still uncovering, ever so carefully, different parts of it. We saw some at work and noticed that, while about four feet of soil divided us, we were standing on the orange-tiled roofs of partially uncovered homes. In the background of the top picture is Mt. Vesuvius. Who knew such an innocent-looking mountain could have spewed forth such massive amounts of ash and covered (and destroyed) an entire city??

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